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Volunteering Off-Campus

Our chapter takes pride in using our large brotherhood in order to actively support charities that would benefit from in-person support. Semesterly, brothers are expected to volunteer for 10 hours and are given a variety of opportunities to do so. Most semesters, you can see brothers of our chapter volunteering together at Feed My Starving Children, Habitat for Humanity, or the Center for Victims of Torture. 

Fundraising Efforts

Semesterly, our chapter engages in fundraising efforts for a charity of our choice. Theta Chi nationally supports the United Service Organization, but our brothers have planned events for a variety of charities in years past. In the fall of 2020, the brothers of Theta Chi plan on hosting a 5K run in support of the USO. Click Here for information on the event or to donate. 

Volunteering On-Campus

More recently, our brothers have noticed a larger need to make an impact directly on campus and have been thinking of new ways to help our university. Our brothers have decided to plan a bi-annual Fall and Spring trash clean up around campus. 

Greek Partnerships

We love working together as a brotherhood in order to make an impact in our community, but we also love working together with other chapters in order to make a difference too. Often, you can see brothers working alongside other chapters during Homecoming and Greek Weeks, as well as during scheduled pairings throughout the semester. 

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