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How To Give

You can’t repay the fraternity for all of the benefits you enjoyed as an undergraduate, but you can pay it forward...

Please join us ensuring that our undergraduates enjoy the same fraternity experiences as we did during the most formative years in our lifetime.

The Regulator Society
Alpha Pi Chapter of
Theta Chi Fraternity at
University of Minnesota
P.O. Box 14416
Minneapolis, MN 55414


The easiest and most common form of contribution is a gift of cash. We prefer that alumni write a check, rather than actually making cash contributions. This way, there is a written record of your contribution and you have proof. All contributions should be made payable to The Regulator Society. 

Gifts May Be Tax Deductible...

The Alpha Pi House Corporation applied for and received approval from the IRS for a separate a 501(c)(3) foundation that we have named The Regulator Society. 


The Society was established in 2018 and has IRS approval to operate as a historic preservation organization and scholarship foundation, accepting tax-deductible contributions restricted for approved chapter house renovations, a long-term maintenance fund, and scholarship funds. 


The Alpha Pi chapter house met all the requirements for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. However, approval for “historic preservation” is based on qualifications for historic preservation, not one’s actual listing in the National Registry of Historic Places.

You may enclose your check in the enclosed envelope. Your contribution is tax-deductible in accordance with the current IRS Tax Code.

Contributions By Credit Cards Or Bank Drafts

Alumni may also contribute by credit card or automatic bank drafts. To do so, simply click the giving button below

Gifts Of Stocks Or Bonds

With the boost in the economy, the stock market has reached record levels. Contributions of stocks and bonds are one of the best methods for giving. While it makes no difference to the fraternity how you give, it is a considerable advantage to the contributor to give securities.


Gifting securities to The Regulator—Theta Chi at the University of Minnesota allows alumni to make a tax-deductible contribution AND avoid paying a capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock.  Furthermore, the alumnus is allowed to claim the fair market value of the stock on the day it is transferred, as opposed to the cost basis of the stock. This is a huge advantage to an alumnus, when compared to making a cash gift. 


Your broker will need the following information to transfer the securities:

The Regulator Society:

Federal EIN #


Broker Name:
Steve Gehrke
(612) 414-7234

All contributions to the Regulator Society are restricted for
renovations to the Alpha Pi chapter house or scholarship funds
for members of Theta Chi Fraternity at the University of Minnesota.
Alumni may choose to restrict their gift to either category.


If you are 70 ½ years old or older, you may contribute funds directly from your IRA to a charity of your choice. Congress passed the law in 2017, permanently allowing contributions from your retirement fund to a charity without tax consequences. Since the contributor never paid taxes on the funds, there are no tax implications on a direct transfer for contributions up to $100,000 per year. 

The benefit is that alumni avoid paying income taxes on an IRA withdrawal, if he were to withdraw the funds and then make a charitable contribution. The contributor also avoids paying increased Medicare premiums, which are based on gross income. This is especially advantageous for alumni who are facing a Required Mandatory Distribution (RMD) each year.

Gifts of Life Insurance

You may gift a life insurance policy to the Regulator Society—Theta Chi Fraternity at the University of Minnesota. You will need to name the organization as the sole beneficiary of the policy, and make a written pledge to pay any remaining premiums if any premiums remain outstanding. Contributors may also pledge to make a contribution to the organization, in order to cover premium obligations. 

Gifts From Estates

One of the oldest and best methods for leaving a legacy for Theta Chi at the University of Minnesota is by making a gift from one’s estate. Most Americans may simply bequeath an amount from their estate to their favorite organizations by inserting a codicil in their Last Will that states:


“I hereby give, devise and bequeath  $_______________ to the Regulator Society of Theta Chi Fraternity at the University of Minnesota.” 


[Have the codicil signed, witnessed and notarized]

Who To Contact

Wesley K. Wicker, Ed.D.

Principal Partner

Columns Fundraising


© 2024 Theta Chi - Alpha Pi. All rights & content reserved.

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